Since you have two stocks

by FOG, Tuesday, April 09, 2013, 08:49 (4191 days ago) @ stonewalrus

I probably wouldn't bother with cutting the spare more than once (or perhaps twice :-D ) to arrive at the correct length for your son.

Along that line, I think we tend to worry far too much about making a stock too short when the truth is, most of them are far too long (and not just on kids' rifles, either).

A few ideas for arriving at the 'truly' correct LOP for your son:
• Make a simple mock-up out of cardboard and cut-to-length as needed
• Take him to the toy store (not gun store − LOL), look at some toy guns, and measure the one that fits him best
• Try an old Daisy BB gun (the LOP on mine is about 10", depending on trigger position)

I would also highly recommend cutting the barrel to 16"-18" and remounting the front sight.

It's not only silly to expect a very young man to hold up too much rifle, it probably borders on 'child abuse' (LOL).

Seriously, let the boy really enjoy himself now, not just in some distant future, and make the gun fit him.

I bet he'll thank you for it, not only now, but later as well.

HTH :-)


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