More on stainless pin tumbling media

by Kentucky, Tuesday, April 09, 2013, 08:40 (4191 days ago)

I'd still like to hear from anyone who has tried these to see if it's possible, or proper, to use them dry instead of in a liquid slurry format.

Way back when I started reloading I did the "wash 'em in the sink" routine, along with the attendant rinsing and drying follow-ups. The move to a tumbler and dry walnut media made the whole thing quicker and easier.

I can see that these little pins do a good job of cleaning, but the whole operation is more trouble than I'm interested in getting involved with. As it is now, merely tumbling the cases with crushed walnut hulls does the job quite nicely with no liquid mess involved.

Yes . . . I'm lazy, and not in a hurry. I'd try the pins dry merely to reduce the dust and obviate the need to replace the media as frequently.



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