The gentle of shuffle of jackboots.......

by John Meeker, Monday, April 08, 2013, 22:57 (4192 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

A new version of that ol' "McCarthyism", so loathed and reviled by the Left. Oh where, oh where iz y'r vaunted Civil Liberties now, Senor de la Liberals?

The actions of this Administration would make a sewer vomit, repeatedly. The non-actions of the Press to be complicit in this oppression, are sheer betrayal of the Virtues for which a Free Press was thought to be Responsible.

This county has been lobotomized by it's own success.

Thanks for posting it up, Rob. It takes a strong stomach to share that reeking pile of.........

Anyone who wishes to Facebook/Twitter/FWD/ etc...please send the smoke signals onward, as it seems we all are doing anyway. However, in reviewing 'recent' successful political reactions to perceived oppression, it may be that our best resource will be to draw from the book of a massive and persistent 'non-violent' civil demonstration for a prolonged period of time at the Capitol. That idea is fraught with so many dangers -- both to the participants - which I think we all would bear; but also with the SPIN and LIES with which the New Oppressors and their Media Flunkies will attempt to discredit and criminalize such action. Are the politically committed gun owners prepared to walk that path?

It is a question about taking such action as may ruin us financially, criminalize some of us, get us hurt without the option of physical resistance, and the whole nine yards such actions against a criminal enterprise will sustain. Contemplating such an option doesn't make me a happy sailor on leave, y'betcha. However, in cold political terms it IS method and campaign using the ---- "The Tools OF The Oppressor". It is a beloved strategy of those who are so successfully controlling the Public Narrative.

It is also one, against which the Left and the News will have to further expose themselves as the real oppressors and destroyers of the Nation. It's late, I'm tired and something is riling up my innards for a coupla days, so I don't wish to belabor every finest possible point. However, there are some pretty smart folks here, and also those with which said present company associates. Perhaps now is the time to take advantage of this 'printing press' we have -- and do something the of which Our Founder's would be proud: defend their legacy with the best tools we have, BEFORE the necessity of taking arms. There is NOTHING the current regime WANTS more than the opportunity to clamp armed suppression and dictatorship upon us.

However, they need us to cooperate by acting like the stereotypes they believe us to be. Why trade pawns, when checkmate is in our own hands?

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