Anybody have a good recipe for slow cooker beans & ham?

by RidinLou, Middle TN, Wednesday, April 03, 2013, 23:00 (4197 days ago) @ JD

Like loading a favorite load there are many variations and personal preferences.

I like beans with and without greens, onions "seasoning" and red chili.

Basic ham and beans from the cheapskate cook

Take all the leftovers skin, fat and bones, pieces from a ham cooked for one of the big festive meals and throw in the pot.

Add water to the ham leftovers and start it to heat.

Sort, clean and wash 2-6 cups of beans (whites or pintos ( I like both, my wife will not eat white beans (navy/great northern)).
Put beans in the pot and cover with water.

Cook til done adding water as needed and to personal tastes.

Whe the beans are done, set then aside for a while while you cook up a batch of corn bread. Be sure to get skillit hot enough to form a bottom crust on the cornbread batter as it cooks in the oven.

Fresh hot buttered cornbread and beans is a meal fit for a king!

Throw in a bowl of greens if ya like, onions too . . .

It's yours, eat it like ya want to!

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