MEASURING extractor tension

by FOG, Tuesday, April 02, 2013, 20:46 (4198 days ago) @ bj2

The 'correct' way to measure extractor tension is by using a trigger pull gauge, or even weights, attached to a loop of fishing line.

Using a piece of brass that isn't all beat up from multiple loadings and firings (or from simply chambering it too many times), place the empty cartridge in the slide as noted above by bj2.

Slip the loop of fishing line around the brass, and pulling straight downward (or upward if using weights), measure the amount of force required to release the brass from the extractor's grip on it.

How much force should it take?

Frankly, I don't remember, but I'm sure that can be found pretty easily via Google or your favorite search engine.

HTH :-)


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