So how do "they" pronounce coyote in your area?

by Amerileiro, SW MO, Wednesday, January 04, 2012, 15:00 (4655 days ago) @ Caz

Well, here in MO where I reside I prefer to use the pronunciation of ki yo tay. Not for any reason, other than because it sounds more sofisticated to mon petite madmosele who speaks Spanish, you see. If I can get a laugh out of mon petite madmosele I'm happy. Her laughter delights my heart.

However, when i've heard the ki yo tay yapping in the back yard I've found that walking out on the back deck and yelling, "migra! migra!" sends them running quicker than the .223 Remmington does. Especially in the dark where they can't see the black stocked, black barreled rifle anyway. :-D

I'll go ahead and applogize now for adding to this discussion without having anything useful to contribute. I guess it comes from my not having a job and therefore idle hands have given voice to idle thoughts that have been running rampant in my noggin. I reckon I'll go load some ammo now. That'll keep me from being idle and thinking thoughts that come out on the keyboard and and then the message board and all.

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