Today was not reject day

by Dave B @, Alamogordo New Mexico, Saturday, March 30, 2013, 15:15 (4201 days ago)

I fired 50 rounds of midrange 454 with bullets of various weights, mostly 325gr LFNGC bullets over 13.5grs of HS6, I sure wish I shot better, I'm sure this combo is capable of shooting close to an inch at 25 yards. I recovered almost all bullets, and they penetrated 18-20" of soft dirt and rotten rock. I think I'm going to invest in as many 45 cal gas checks as soon as they become available again, I'm down to about 700 or so. In the 50th Anniversary 357, the standard, and air cooled penta hollow points blew up when fired into a gallon of water, all that was left were the bases, now the water dropped penta hollow points expanded nicely in the dirt. The solids penetrated 16-18" of the same dirt/rock combo with no expansion, Rob I wouldn't hesitate to take a Texas heart shot on a coyote with the solid, I doubt it would stay inside. I know I am much more accurate with the 6" FA than with the 4 5/8" Flattop. Hoping to try the 205gr .308 bullets given to me by one of our MSgts in my Rem 760, think I'm going to try 2400.

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