Rob L

by bob, Saturday, March 30, 2013, 10:16 (4201 days ago) @ Gary G

well, if you mean my part of the NW, as in Warshinton and Eyedeeho, not Alaska, then heck yes! Uncle Bud carried a 270 Gamemaster and dropped many whitetail, a couple of elk and one pheasant (on the wing!) that I know of. I worked for 2 bachelor farmer brothers, one had lost a leg in a farming accident and walked with a crutch; he had two pumpers, a .244 for deer and coyotes and a 30/06 for larger game. Claimed the he could work the pumps while steadying himself with the single crutch. Guy I worked with at the grain warehouse had a 280 pump and a feller in town had another in '06 that he could make sound like a 740. I always lusted after one in 257Bob but prices of the originals are outta sight, even for dogs.
I'm off to the gun show with my Model 99 250takedown, if I find a 257trombone, I might try and work a swap.

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