2014 Elections

by Duane, Central Texas, Thursday, March 28, 2013, 19:53 (4203 days ago)

Local rag had an interesting article about the Demo's worrying about the 2014 elections.The article is popping up alot in various news papers lately.Seems as tho a 6 term Senator from MT is concerned and changing his tune somewhat in hopes he can
again sucker the voters into giving him a 7th term. He also toook a chance and supported Klinton's assault wpns ban!. A true Democrat! Foolishly, voters trusted him and he is pulling the same stunt again. Lest we not forget, Baucus was a big time supporter of Ovomit's Health Care bill which will be big problem for all once fully implemented. He is a glib tongued and crafty politician who sadly influences the uniformed Montana voter and like all politicians do what they want once elected or re-elected. Undoubtedly, there must be outstanding pro-gun folks who can run against him notwithstanding his slickie boy tactics.Is Rehburg a viable candidate? Any politician who has been in office that long irrespective of party afiliation must go.
Montana voters can rest assured that if they re-elect him, he will only show his
true Democratic colors sooner or later. Prayerfully, I hope that Montana Shtg Sports
Assoc., can convince all Montana gun owners, shooters, plinkers, hunters, collectors to dump Baucus without delay. In April, it will be interesting to see how he votes
on the Sporting Rifle (military look alike rifles), hi-capacity magazines and uni-
versal registration legislation.! (Tragically, very little if anything viable has been said about the Mental Health problem which should really be the core issue with firearms taking the brunt of it.) He w/take the easy way out & opt for the registration portion which also must be soundly defeated. Come 2014, he will again come up with a lame excuse and ask for forgiveness for his past actions. Believe him not!.

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