Not the worst gun, but the worst SHOT ever

by brionic @, Tuesday, March 26, 2013, 22:59 (4205 days ago) @ TomC
edited by brionic, Tuesday, March 26, 2013, 23:05

was at a friend's ranch in northern coastal CA, back during halcyon school daze...

My buddy, during our normal powder burning and can perforating ceremonies, pulled out his brand new Mini 14, showed me how to operate it, and handed me a magazine.

It was May, so the grass wasn't too tall yet, and the ground wasn't muddy any longer. So I took a seat. I was wearing shorts, because back then, I did that. I got into position, took aim, and pressed the trigger. Hit! as the grass flattened about four yards in front of me. Neat stuff for an eighteen year old.

Then something interesting happened. The case, later learned to have ejected straight upward, came down nose end first, and like a missile, directed itself right into my shorts and drawers and made a 10x hit on my dark target.

I believe my friends never laughed that hard again, while I leaped cartoonishly afoot and tried desperately to shake off the offending brass..

"Hot shot" indeed.


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