Just got home half unpacked good weather HERE.

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Monday, March 25, 2013, 21:48 (4206 days ago)

2,400 miles round trip, we had a very pleasant time traveling.
We had a great time at CSA this year! Missed a bunch of you folks I had hopped could show up. Didn't get to visit with as many folks as I had wanted to, but we had a great time, just the same. We Stopped and met with Travis Bogus in Moriarty NM Home of Ergo Grip; they make cool stuff ;[image]
The last Sunny day in Arkansas;[image]
Fermin sent a spy:
Tom Richardson himself:[image]Tony B and Ken compare Ruger 45s[image]
The Tennessee contingent: Gordon, Tom and Tom's friend??[image]
My high school buddy Randy & I reliving the past making a bomb
(Mixing Tanerite for a target)
[image]Jan and Ann chilling on the range[image]
Mr Callshot himself; 1400+ miles from home. Here he is giving some pointers on long range rock chuck shooting to Randy.
Ken O'Neill Shooting the 45-70 six gun[image]
Jason w/ the same gun:[image]
Madbo emulating Elmer so well:[image]this reminds me of the cover of Guns & Ammo circa 1974[image]Jan with her M&P AR.22[image]

Of the Troops & For the Troops

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