Reject Day

by Dave B @, Alamogordo New Mexico, Sunday, March 24, 2013, 17:05 (4207 days ago)

So I went out and shot the rejects. For the most part, they shot good enough at 25 yards, and the dirt clods and cow pies at 30-40 took a pounding, but at 50 yards, I was lucky to hold 8" groups with the 1911, and 6" groups with the 4 5/8" Flattop in .357. At 100 yards, forget it, I had flyers that impacted 4' left of the aimpoint. So I guess, if I am just going out to plink, and I'm shooting light loads at indiscriminate targets, the rejects will work just fine, for real accuracy, and if I am trying to hit stuff long range, think I'll stick with the good ones.

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