One more .22 rifle post and then I'll shut up...

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Saturday, March 23, 2013, 19:27 (4208 days ago)

Over the past week the 3T/Model 190 has fed every odd .22 cartridge I've thrown at it, from assorted .22 Shorts to 'Quiet' ammo to a Mulligan Stew of oddball 22LR from various manufacturers.

I had to change out the front sight for a taller one, so I needed to check zero. Yesterday, I fired a few 5 round groups at just short of 50 yards, using the window of my old pickup a rest. Ammo was Federal 36 grain bulk HP. This was occurring often enough to convince me the old rifle was shooting pretty well.


Today, I sat down at a bench and adjusted the last bit of right windage out of the sights at 50 yards. It was still raining a bit. I was shooting three shot groups (same Federal 36 grain bulk HP) to conserve ammo and kept seeing stuff like this and thinking "Wow, those are about a half inch."


I put a tape on it before I drove back to the house and it was 5/16". This old rifle is shooting as well as any .22 auto I've ever owned, the best of which was an old Mossberg 151-M.

So color me happy as a clam.

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