I had a Model 696 for a short while a few years ago

by FOG, Saturday, March 23, 2013, 19:08 (4208 days ago) @ Glen

Great gun, one I probably should have kept, but it really didn't suit my 'needs'.

I found the L-frame is just enough bigger and heavier that it falls closer to the 'Sporter' Category than does the Bulldog. The Charter is more like the size of a Colt D-frame than it is even an S&W K-frame. Add adjustable sights, and I think you've pretty much arrived in Sporterland.

Which is not a bad thing. Not at all.

It just also raises the prospect of needing to reload for the gun to really enjoy it, and I'm out of that game. I also don't like even that much recoil for very long − more than about five or ten rounds, MAX − so plinking was off the table, too.

The Bulldog's a whole 'nother matter. If I find I can shoot it reasonably fast and accurately at conversational distances, it will have a role: The infamous and storied 'House Gun'. :-D

Otherwise, I'll just sit here playin' with it; after all, I got snap caps and everything. :-D


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