OT (Sort of...) − Auction Formats: 'Buy It Now' vs. The Rest

by Charles, Saturday, March 23, 2013, 14:02 (4208 days ago) @ FOG

Online auctions are a very good place to buy stuff for a reasonable price and even cheap on occasion. There are a couple of tricks involved..

1. Don't get emotionally involved and start to compete with other bidders. Figure out what you want to pay and stop there. The value of objects go way above reasonable price when folks make it a competition thing. If you can't be cold about it, stay away from auctions of any kind.

2. Whatever you are looking at, there will be another coming along later for a better price. If you don't get it for what you want to pay, then just bide your time, it will come around again, again and again.

3. I never bid until the last minute so as not to run the bid up with folks doing to me what I won't do to them, i.e. compete.

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