The expert at the LGS set me straight on the .357

by FOG, Saturday, March 23, 2013, 12:06 (4208 days ago) @ Andrew

When I was a kid, he told me it would only crack the block of a car engine, but a .44 would go 'clean' through it.

Wouldn't you know it, I soon had the opportunity to test his theory on an old, abandoned motor I found in the mountains. I don't know what it was, but it was big and apparently made of cast iron.

One day, I squared off against the beast with my trusty .357 and popped it one, right in the upper manifold.


No dice: Zero penetration. The bullet hardly left a dent, just a smear on the surface.

I thence selected a weaker link in the chain for my target and tried again.


This time, a nice but small and irregularly-shaped hole appeared. Admiring the hardware I held in my hand, I was well pleased.

Walking up and taking a closer look, however, proved rather more disappointing: The bullet merely finished the job that rust had started, probably in the Pleistocene.

So much for the block-cracking power of the .357 − and the insights of your everyday, ordinary Gun Shop Commando.

I was to meet many more of the type in later years, and I was always glad I got such a good start. :-D


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