♪ Jeremiah had a Bulldog ♪

by FOG, Thursday, March 21, 2013, 14:54 (4210 days ago)
edited by FOG, Thursday, March 21, 2013, 16:02

Now I have one! [image]


This a 'Stratford-era' gun. I've never actually handled or looked at one up close, and I have to say, it's a lot better made than I would have credited it from most of the reading I've done.

I'm anxious to test fire it, but I think I'll take Lee Martin's advice on the Single Actions forum, and wait to shoot it until I can get some real Goodyear grips for it. :-D

I also want to paint the visible portion of the front sight blade flat black. It shows up 'OK' as-is, but just indoors; outside, I think it needs to be black, and it will be as soon as I can pick up some paint.

On that score, I'm thinking Rustoleum. Even a small can would be a 'Lifetime Supply', but I can't find Testor's model paint anywhere these days, plus the last time it wasn't very flat but had become somewhat shiny.

I found the Gold Dots at the LGS where I picked up the gun, and I think I'll get some standard-pressure Buffalo Bore full-wadcutters for it, probably from Midway.

Condition-wise, it has a few very minor dings and handling marks, but mechanically it's like new; the previous owner said he only fired it about 30 rounds, and I believe him; I am very glad to have it. :-)

Bonus Track! Joy To The World - Three Dog Night [image]

(SPG Edit)


That's NICE - I'd like to have one of the older...

by Boge Quinn, Thursday, March 21, 2013, 15:04 (4210 days ago) @ FOG

...stainless ones. I have a couple of the older blued ones, and a couple of the newer stainless ones, and a couple of the new/old "Bulldog Classics" (which are NICE, BTW).

My first impression was, 'These are underrated'

by FOG, Thursday, March 21, 2013, 15:18 (4210 days ago) @ Boge Quinn

I've owned a S&W Model 296 AirLite, and the LGS happened to have a lightly used Taurus UltraLite on the shelf when I was there yesterday.

I think the Charter is a better expression of the 'Bulldog' concept.

I wanted an older stainless model for a long time...

'Good things come to those who wait.' :-D



I just hope I can 'handle' it

by FOG, Thursday, March 21, 2013, 15:40 (4210 days ago) @ FOG

I have no particular fear in that regard, but I have to admit I'm not sure I really can.

It it turns out I can't, Glen gets Right-Of-First-Refusal, pretty much by default. After all, it is a .44 Special. :-D

After Glen, Boge gets Second − or maybe Mr. Leahy (?); he was looking at it, too − then I'll list it here for exactly what I have in it.

For possible future reference, it cost me $395 + $30 Shipping + $25 Tranfer = $445

Just don't hold your breath... :-D


No Biggie Ziggie.

by MR, Thursday, March 21, 2013, 15:57 (4210 days ago) @ FOG

I've had one for many years just like that. During most of the 90's it was my "always packed", and rode in a bag with other stuff in the trunk of my car. I will admit to possibly maybe on occasion shooting a few handloads through it that were not recommended for the little gun. Although I am quite sure it was most assuredly someone that looked a lot like, but wasn't me. They are surprisingly easy to get along with for such a little fellow with such a big mouth.

You're probably right, so I think I'll go give it a whirl

by FOG, Thursday, March 21, 2013, 16:49 (4210 days ago) @ MR

Factory grips and all. :eyepopping:

As it happens, I have some tin cans in need of Proper Disposal... :-D


Sweet! That's a peach!

by Glen, Thursday, March 21, 2013, 17:42 (4210 days ago) @ FOG

As for my right of first refusal, should you decide to move it along, thank you for thinking of me, but I think I will pass. My .44 Special snubbie itch has already been scratched with the pair of S&W 696s that I have (I think you've shot mine, and I also bought Lyle's from his estate).

By the way, I also have this really cool little bullet mould that drops the neatest little 188 grain HP (with a pretty serious mouth), that works very nicely in the little .44 Special snubs.....


8.7 grains of Unique generates 1035 fps at standard SAAMI pressure levels from the 3" S&W 696, and groups of 2" to 2 1/2" at 50 feet.


PS -- so does this mean.....

by Glen, Thursday, March 21, 2013, 17:44 (4210 days ago) @ Glen

....that we have to start calling you "Jeremiah"? ;-)

Jeremiah's better than some names

by FOG, Thursday, March 21, 2013, 20:20 (4210 days ago) @ Glen

I can't think of any right now, but I'm sure something'll come to me.



I had a Model 696 for a short while a few years ago

by FOG, Saturday, March 23, 2013, 19:08 (4208 days ago) @ Glen

Great gun, one I probably should have kept, but it really didn't suit my 'needs'.

I found the L-frame is just enough bigger and heavier that it falls closer to the 'Sporter' Category than does the Bulldog. The Charter is more like the size of a Colt D-frame than it is even an S&W K-frame. Add adjustable sights, and I think you've pretty much arrived in Sporterland.

Which is not a bad thing. Not at all.

It just also raises the prospect of needing to reload for the gun to really enjoy it, and I'm out of that game. I also don't like even that much recoil for very long − more than about five or ten rounds, MAX − so plinking was off the table, too.

The Bulldog's a whole 'nother matter. If I find I can shoot it reasonably fast and accurately at conversational distances, it will have a role: The infamous and storied 'House Gun'. :-D

Otherwise, I'll just sit here playin' with it; after all, I got snap caps and everything. :-D


♪ Jeremiah had a Bulldog ♪

by stonewalrus, Thursday, March 21, 2013, 16:17 (4210 days ago) @ FOG

You can get black appliance paint at places like Lowes. Lowes has white and black in little whiteout sized bottles with brushes. The white makes a great primer under orange model paint too. It is some sort of epoxy paint and really sticks.

♪ Jeremiah had a Bulldog ♪

by FOG, Thursday, March 21, 2013, 16:42 (4210 days ago) @ stonewalrus

I'll have to look into that.

For now, I just stuck a ⅛-inch square piece of black electrical tape on there.


'De-Range Report' − Not bad, I even hit the can

by FOG, Thursday, March 21, 2013, 20:17 (4210 days ago) @ FOG



[image] [image] [image]



by rob @, Thursday, March 21, 2013, 20:28 (4210 days ago) @ FOG

I likes it much:)

I was bit by the Bulldog bug..

by Charles, Friday, March 22, 2013, 09:34 (4209 days ago) @ FOG

years ago and just had to have one. The bite healed up after a couple of years and that was that.

This, too, might pass

by FOG, Saturday, March 23, 2013, 19:23 (4208 days ago) @ Charles

I have to admit I've come down with a rather severe case of Bulldog-On-The-Brain as of late, but I still might get over it.

Only time will tell, I guess...



♪ Jeremiah had a Bulldog ♪

by Jared, Friday, March 22, 2013, 09:40 (4209 days ago) @ FOG

Very nice, I have an old Blue one with the factor bobbed hammer. Carried it for 3 or 4 years almost daily. I was always amazed how good of a shooter it is. Haven't carried or sot it it in a while. I need to rectify that. It still sets loaded in a special place with some 200 gr Gold Dot handloads.

♪ Jeremiah had a BullFROG ♪

by Who....me...??, Friday, March 22, 2013, 12:41 (4209 days ago) @ FOG

I MAY HAFTA QUIT DRINKING. I swear Jeramiah had a BULLFROG not A BULL dog....WAS A GOOD FRIEND OF MINE......shucks

Perhaps a bit more, not less, is in order

by FOG, Saturday, March 23, 2013, 08:37 (4208 days ago) @ Who....me...??

It's all a matter of . . . balance.



Have another drink ! It's ♪ Jeremiah WAS a BullFROG ♪

by Boge Quinn, Saturday, March 23, 2013, 10:19 (4208 days ago) @ Who....me...??


That calls for a . . . ♪ BONUS TRACK ♪

by FOG, Saturday, March 23, 2013, 11:41 (4208 days ago) @ Who....me...??

♪ Jeremiah had a Bulldog ♪

by mcassill, Saturday, March 23, 2013, 06:53 (4209 days ago) @ FOG

I love mine, a newer Bulldog Pug. Carry it quite often in an old Simply Rugged holster of a vintage Rob doesn't want us posting pictures of. :-P

I don't know how much I'll carry it

by FOG, Saturday, March 23, 2013, 16:45 (4208 days ago) @ mcassill
edited by FOG, Saturday, March 23, 2013, 17:55

I need to do some 'up-close & personal practice' on some IPSC cardboard, plus a few 'regular exercises', before I do.

Meantime, I've pretty much decided on two things: 'Serious' Ammo & Leather


Except for dry fire, the Bulldog is all business, as far as I am concerned; I don't plan on doing much plinking with it.

Since I also like simplicity, I've decided on Speer 200-grain Gold Dot factory ammo as my 'pet load'.

Midway is out of Buffalo Bore, so I went back to the LGS and got all the Gold Dots they had left: Three 20-round boxes. I'd like to have more, of course, but that's really enough for now.

That leaves 'practice' ammo, upon which I still have yet to decide a brand and type. (The current frontrunner is MAGTECH, but I don't know anything about them; it's just what they happen to have on the shelf around here.)


I just went out and had a HUGE brunch and am pretty full, but I'm still thinkin' about a Sourdough or Silver Dollar Pancake. :-D (Probably in Basic Black...)

(SPG Edit)


That works. The Gold Dots are a very good load.

by mcassill, Saturday, March 23, 2013, 16:49 (4208 days ago) @ FOG

As are the Winchester Silvertips, if you can find any.

Thanks for the tip

by FOG, Saturday, March 23, 2013, 17:47 (4208 days ago) @ mcassill

The LGS also had a box or two of Silvertips; I should probably go back and get them.

I noticed they also had a lot of the Federal 200-grain LSWCs, but as much as I like the 'idea' of that load, I've never heard anything very good about it in terms of actual performance.

FWIW, this article on Gunblast had a lot to do with my 'decisions' on the ammo topic:
Feeding the Gunblast Bulldog - A Study in Terminal Ballistics

Somehow, I gather it's familiar to you, too. :-D


Yup. Glad you found it of use

by mcassill, Sunday, March 24, 2013, 09:57 (4207 days ago) @ FOG


Magtech ammo

by Catoosa, Sunday, March 24, 2013, 22:31 (4207 days ago) @ FOG

is good stuff. I have used quite a bit of it and have never had a single problem.

Thanks for the tip

by FOG, Monday, March 25, 2013, 08:02 (4206 days ago) @ Catoosa

I'll get a box or two for practice.


I am also seriously considering 'Backpacker-ing' it

by FOG, Saturday, March 23, 2013, 17:22 (4208 days ago) @ FOG

Since I would prefer it with a front sight and without ports, I'm also considering calling Bowen Classic Arms to see if they might do it.

I'm thinking basically the same thing as a Mag-Na-Port Backpacker, but with a big, fat, half-moon front sight.

Actually, except for cutting the barrel and sweating off what's left of the front sight, I could pretty much do a Backpacker job on it myself, sans ports of course, and I'd like to; it would be a fun project.

If I do wind up going the commercial route and customizing it, perhaps I'll leave a few items off the Work Order and save them for myself. ;-)

If I decide to just touch it up myself, then it will still get at least this much work:
• remove dings and refinish as needed (already more or less completed)
• round edges of hammer spur (minimum)
• bob hammer spur (possible)
• round front and back edges of trigger (also minimum/absolutely necessary)
• 'dehorn' exterior (not much needed, mainly the edges of the trigger guard)

I love doing this stuff, so that might be all it ever gets. We'll just have to see. :-)


Hypothetically speaking

by FOG, Saturday, March 23, 2013, 19:17 (4208 days ago) @ FOG

If I just needed someone to cut and re-crown the barrel, plus remove the remnant of the front sight ramp, can anyone recommend someone reliable with reasonably quick turnaround?

I've heard "Good, fast, cheap: Pick any two", so I would naturally expect to pay the going rate for really good work.



On second thought

by FOG, Sunday, March 24, 2013, 15:09 (4207 days ago) @ FOG

I think I'll leave this one 'alone' (in the original 3-inch format).

The sharp edges really bug me, though, but that's exactly why I wanted a stainless gun; it's easier to remove them and restore the finish.

Since I deem the dehorning process necessary, and I like to do it my myself, I started by giving the ends of the cylinder flutes small 'black powder bevels' using hand tools and emery cloth. They came out pretty good, if I do say so myself. :-)

Speaking of cylinder flutes, when I shop revolvers that are going to be holstered, that's one 'point' I pay particular attention; I prefer them 'rounded' (i.e., finished), or stainless so I can take care of it myself.

Returning to the Bulldog, I found a PDF manual and exploded view, but I still need a complete takedown guide. Any recommendations?

Also, any other Tips & Tricks?

For example, is regular adjustment of the screw in the center of the breech face necessary? If my Bulldog gives any indication, it would seem so. The cylinder became more difficult to open, so I looked for a solution online and found that advice. I also adjusted it and found the screw is very loose. Is that normal?

I also noticed the assembly pin in front of the trigger walks, but I gather that is 'normal'. :-D

TIA :-)


So, disassembly's pretty simple

by FOG, Monday, March 25, 2013, 08:14 (4206 days ago) @ FOG

I took the Bulldog apart as far as the Charter Arms manual described, and that was good enough for my purposes.

I dehorned everything that needed it and restored the finish.

Reassembly was also no problem. ;-)

Next, I need to get some practice ammo, then try shooting it again.


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