Dave, I'm sorry for your loss...

by Glen, Tuesday, March 19, 2013, 23:44 (4212 days ago) @ FOG

...our animals bring us such joy, it's hard when we lose them. But that's the package that we sign up for when we take them into our lives. The simple fact that we live so much longer than they do means that we will, eventually, watch them die. It's hard, but the joy they bring us (and we give to them) makes it all worth it. I raise a glass in Mr. Big's memory, Salud! He had a good life and he died quietly, and peacefully, in his favorite chair. Doesn't get much better than that...

(PS, I suspect that our household will be going through something similar in the not too distant future. Hoppie is getting older and older, almost daily.....)

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