I have an acquisition problem.......

by Otony, Tuesday, March 19, 2013, 22:17 (4212 days ago)

.......which should be obvious from my posts over the years. Eyes bigger than my stomach, as the saying goes, and I like purt near everything.

I am in deep kimchee now, though, as I am currently working part-time in a pawn shop owned by a friend of mine. He needed help and my other part-time job has slowed down considerably so I am working the counter for him about 15 hours a week.

Oh my, the stuff that comes in! A lot of folks want to sell outright, not pawn, and what he offers is peanuts. I am amazed at the number of folks who willingly take the cash and go.

According to him, at least 90% of the pawns are redeemed but you would be amazed at the stuff that is re-pawned over and over, sometimes for years. There are items in the shop which have been bought and paid for several times over by folks who simply will not let the thing go. Craziness! They might pawn an item for 25 bucks and pay four times that in interest over the course of time keeping it in pawn!

In any event, I bought a new bench grinder, a new craftsman scroll saw, and a new set of cast iron Dutch ovens and frying pans in a wood camp box. Paid about 75 bucks for the lot. Zowie!

I don't enjoy profiting at other peoples expense but this stuff hits the sales floor otherwise, sooo...........


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