Do you still have it?

by rob @, Monday, March 18, 2013, 19:09 (4213 days ago) @ FOG

I assume you bought the original Styer Scout? I always thought they were the ugliest, dumpiest looking rifles I'd ever seen until Scott Tschirhart bought one and I saw it in person. TOTALLY changed my perspective. You just have to get one in your hands to really appreciate it. He's really into the Ruger Gunsight Scout rifle right now and I have to admit I like that version's price a lot better! Other than .22's I've whittled my rifle collection down to a bolt action 30-06, AR15 and Marlin Guide Gun and its probably gonna just stay that way but if I had it all to do over again I'd go with some version of a Scout concept (bolt action 308 w/ 16-18" barrel, XS sights/rail and a LER low power optic in QD rings) instead of the Guide gun and '06. I think I'd still want the AR...I like them and with the telescoping butt stock and low recoil they're great for women and children.

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