I think Balle Blindée means...

by Paul ⌂, Thursday, March 14, 2013, 08:52 (4218 days ago) @ Dave B

Ouch, my brain hurts! Google translate may, perhaps, give one a general idea of the approximate general nonspecific almost not quite idea of the original text, but it leaves a LOT to be desired. One can easily spot the text that was translated by Google and not cleaned up by a person who actually understands both languages.

That "bola armored" for example. "Bola" is an uncommonly used term for "ball", and has nothing to do with "bala", a much more commonly used term for "projectile" or "bullet" (depending on context). The "armored" is the English for "our computer has no idea what this term means". In Spanish the correct term would be "bala blindada" which translates to English as "armored bullet", or more commonly, "full metal jacket bullet".

On the other hand, I kind of like Rob's "you'll shoot your eye out" rendition of the term. :-D

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