Are you going to share your results?

by Amerileiro, SW MO, Wednesday, March 13, 2013, 13:58 (4218 days ago) @ Hoot

There were 146 surveys filled out. Of those Most of them were filled out completely and of the 10 questions we got the "majority" to see it as stated. Of course, "as stated" is a bit nebulous in the question that folks answered. Nor was it all based entirely on factual data, such as claiming that 20 weeks gestation is enough for babies to be viable. In other words, our survey was just as honest as the ones that the media uses when they say, "Most americans who answered our survey agree...." Number four was "proof" that "most" Americans support marriage between members of the same gender. I've put happy faces next to the ones where most of those surveyed agreed with the statement and sad faces next to the ones where most didn't.

1. Do you think law abiding citizens should be allowed to use guns to protect their families? :-)
2. Since we spend almost two billion dollars a day on defense and we are almost 17 trillion dollars in debt, do you think we should reduce defense spending?:-(
3. Since babies have been proven to be viable at twenty weeks, do you think that Roe v. Wade should overturned in order to reflect these scientific findings? :-)
4. Do you think the government should be allowed to restrict who you choose to be your spouse? :-(
5. Shouldn't the Balanced Budget Amendment be postponed until the current military and nuclear threats have subsided?:-(
6. Do you think children should have access to medical services and treatments? :-)
7. Do you think we should reward people who enter the country illegally?:-(
8. Since marijuana has been shown to decrease IQ and results in fewer job prospects, do you think marijuana use should be restricted?:-)
9. Since executions cost four times as much as life in prison, do you think the U.S. should discontinue using the death penalty as punishment?:-(
10. Given the recent downturn and slow recovery of the economy and the fact that increased higher education funding stimulates the economy, do you think that the U.S. should increase higher education funding? :-)

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