One thing about the 'small' ones

by rob @, Monday, March 11, 2013, 07:45 (4221 days ago) @ FOG

I had a dream...seriously:)...a few years ago that I was still working for Hudiburg Chevrolet and for whatever reason I was upstairs in the hall where the conference rooms were where we'd often have classes on something or some such. All of a sudden I heard gunfire from short classIII weapons and a group of 6 masked BG's were shooting folks and taking them hostage and I was carrying that Taurus 38 with 5 rounds and no spare ammo. I was hiding under a table hoping they didn't find me and then I woke up. That was the last time I carried that Taurus :-| I know it's irrational because I wouldn't try and go up against six guys with full autos with both my Sigs and spare mags unless I could hide and snipe em off one at time but it was one heck of a scary dream!

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