P17 is a Chinese clone......

by Otony, Sunday, March 10, 2013, 22:43 (4221 days ago) @ Paul

....of the German built P3. Accuracy on the various forums is reported as quite good.

There are a few known foibles, all easily rectified and not necessarily present on every P17. Considering the cost difference between the German made version, and the Chinese, one can buy a LOT of pellets. Even if it needs to be "tuned" it is still a serious bargain. I have been shooting a P3 for about 10 years with zero complaints, and wouldn't mind a P17 as backup.

I have been shooting a tuned Diana 34 .22 of late, along with a .177 Crosman 1720T. Both are more accurate than me, especially the Crosman. Cool stuff, but neither will replace my Air Arms S400K!


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