First wild turkey I ever saw…

by cas, Thursday, March 07, 2013, 21:53 (4224 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

was also the first one my father ever shot at. It was also with a .25 auto. :-D

We were going up the dirt road to the cabin and two ran across the road in front of the car. My dad jammed on the brakes and jumped out after them. He told he to drive the car up the road a little and pull over. (I was like 11 maybe? lol)
He took off into the woods after them and I drove, scared to death up the curvy narrow road with the deep gullies on both sides. Scared to "pull to the side" and scared to stay in the middle, I drove up to where the road was wider… in front of the cabin. A short time later I heard a shot. Quite a while after that my dad showed up, well out of breath from his walk up the mountain. "Where the hell'd you go!? Why'd you come all the way up here!!? I told you to just go up a little!" (lesson here being, kids that don't know how to drive don't follow driving instructions well.) I asked "Did you get him?" He replied "AI can't hit crap with this stupid thing!"
I think the next turkey he shot was several years later…. with the .222 That one wasn't exactly legal either. ;)

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