I forgot to mention TRIVEX eyeglass lens material

by FOG, Thursday, March 07, 2013, 07:44 (4225 days ago) @ FOG

Nowadays, the usual compound that Rx eyeglass lenses are made of is called "CR39", but they almost never tell you that you are buying anything but 'plastic'.

(There are probably exceptions, but actual glass Rx eyeglass lenses are essentially obsolete, at least in the US.)

Compared to 'optical glass', TRIVEX is probably the next best readily available thing in terms of clarity.

Over the past year since my last eye exam, I bought (at least) seven pairs of eyeglasses (as I said, it's my other hobby): Four have CR39 'Plastic' lenses, and three of them are TRIVEX.

Normally (at least around here), TRIVEX is touted for its low density/light weight, and therefore its applicability to 'thick' prescriptions.

Personally, I don't care how much Trivex weighs compared to CR39; Trivex is so much clearer, to my eyes, that unless they come up with something better, I will get TRIVEX from now on (even though I supposedly don't "need" it in my Rx).

Again, HTH :-)


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