Paging Mr. Leahy: RFQ

by FOG, Wednesday, March 06, 2013, 21:49 (4225 days ago)
edited by FOG, Thursday, March 07, 2013, 04:24

(Grammar Edit)

Having toted them around for a few days without one, I think I 'need' a nice leather slip case for my new 'pocket' scissors.

I saw some cheesy ones on FleaBay, but nothing even close to up-to-snuff.

I'm thinking of something along the lines of a cross between a Slim Jim holster and a Tom Threepersons, only smaller, plus Sans-A-Beltâ„¢-loop.

Whip lacing on the seam (or something like it) would also be nice.

I was even thinking of flower carving, but that might be pushing the envelope right over the edge, off the desktop, and onto the floor.

Actually, the biggest worry I have concerns the 'triggers': I'd like both of them uncovered, but I can see how that might be asking too much, liability-wise. :-D

Anyhow, is this something you'd like to take on in your shop? (Just in case: I'm actually seriously inquiring.)

I have a spare pair of the scissors that I could send you for fitting, so there would be no rush as far as I am concerned.

TIA :-)



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