What a year....

by ScottL, Thursday, December 29, 2011, 22:37 (4661 days ago)

I don't swing in here much anymore but I thought I'd swing in tonight. I figure since I used to whine to you guys so much I'd come share some good stuff with you. It's been a good year for me. I changed employers but still do the same job. The kids have grown like weeds and are WAY smarter than their dad. My bride is still breathtakingly beautiful and tolerates my presence in her home. So I seem to be winning. To top it all off I made three of my dreams come true this year.

1. I finally bought my Harley. I named her Serenity. This fulfilled one childhood dream.

2. I joined the Iron Order Motorcycle Club. I've wanted to be in an MC since the first time I saw a center patch on a cut. I was 5 or 6. My neighbors friend rode a Harley, was a hulk of a man and he had huge patches on his vest. One day I was walking around his bike being real careful not to touch it. He scooped me up and set me on the seat and I was hooked. He fired it up and I was addicted. Since then I have wanted to be in an MC. Now we are not the Hells Angels, Outlaws or Bandito's. We are a law abiding club who does not associate with criminals. If you want to know more about them you can look them up at IronOrderMC.com. I am proud to be a part of this club.

3. This one is on topic for the forum even! Monday I put an Armalite AR-50 on lay away. So I should have my 50BMG in my sweaty little hands by the middle of March. Somewhere in there I'm gonna have to raid the couch cushions for enough change to buy a little ammo. I found this one at my local procurer of all things powder burning and cool. It's used with a scope already mounted for $2250. They wanted $2500 but they let me talk them down a little.

I almost hate for 2011 to end. It's been a good year. I hope everything is going as well for all of you.


Is that an Armalite AR-50, or are you just glad to see us?

by edwardyoung, Thursday, December 29, 2011, 22:46 (4661 days ago) @ ScottL

Ah ha ha

Congratulations all around. Glad to read you're doing well

by brionic @, Friday, December 30, 2011, 00:14 (4661 days ago) @ ScottL

and that you're winning.

"But Scootter gets to have one, how come I can't have one?"

by AkRay, Friday, December 30, 2011, 01:38 (4661 days ago) @ ScottL

No.....She'll never go for it.

"But Scootter gets to have one, how come I can't have one?"

by Amerileiro, SW MO, Friday, December 30, 2011, 14:23 (4660 days ago) @ AkRay

hahahaha! Now that's funny right there! I just said something to that effect to my wife, only in Spanish. And she asked what in the world would I need one for? I told her to knock things down from a distance and she just walked off in disdain.

Then I saw your post, AkRay. Quite comical.

What a year....

by Tom Richardson @, Clarksville, Arkansas, Friday, December 30, 2011, 08:03 (4660 days ago) @ ScottL

Congratulations on boy Scootter evolving into Man Scootter right before our very eyes.
Keep on keeping on.

Wonderful news for dreams to come true....

by Byron, Friday, December 30, 2011, 08:32 (4660 days ago) @ ScottL

Scott, I am so pleased that you have reached a place in life when your dreams are coming true.

For New Years I might suggest taking a minute and think about what your dreams will be when you turn 50, 60 or 70. It may sound like a long long time out but will happen so fast that you won't believe it possible. Now is the time to start thinking (planning)for the end. Write a few of these long term life dreams down and figure out how to get them.

Just a tiny bit of insight....these dreams, what ever they are, will involve taking real good care of your body and saving every penny you can get your hands on. Life in America for you young guys is fixing to change over the next 10 or 20 years and not in a real good way. Make sure you are ready for it. You have proved that you and your family are up to it!!!

Proud of you.


Good advice taken to heart by me.

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Friday, December 30, 2011, 09:57 (4660 days ago) @ Byron


Of the Troops & For the Troops

And me. Joined a gymnasium today.

by brionic @, Friday, December 30, 2011, 17:39 (4660 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Lots of college girls, I mean, students there, to keep me energized.

See you in ten pounds.

Such a sacrifice! Stand strong my brother.

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Friday, December 30, 2011, 19:07 (4660 days ago) @ brionic


Of the Troops & For the Troops

Amen, Byron, amen. Some wise counsel there...

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Friday, December 30, 2011, 11:47 (4660 days ago) @ Byron




Wonderful news for dreams to come true....

by John Meeker @, West End of Lake Erie, Saturday, December 31, 2011, 08:36 (4659 days ago) @ Byron

Bodies 'at rest' tend to get less likely to get started again, as the decades roll on. In our memory and minds the 'machinery' is just as good as ever, until...well, ya don't want to experience that involuntary 'until'.

However, the fix isn't nearly as difficult as we perceive. Catching up on modern nutritional science is as near as a book like this: Ride Your Way Leanby Selelne Yeager. Page 84 to 121 -- read it about ten times: I have and I'm still trying absorb the info and apply it. The book is oriented to dedicated biking, but even the most casual Need to Exerciser & Lose Weight Guy can turn a cheap Craig's List mountain bike and this info into a smaller belt size -- and I am NO demon of self-discipline, either.

Anyway, about five years or so ago, I was laying in hospital bed waiting to see if I got to keep a leg, had uncontrolled diabetes, a 46 inch waist, 260 lbs, and had thought I was in OK shape, just a bit out of shape, y'know? After all I'd been a runner and hunter and worked physically, y'know? Well, things went South with the replacement artery -- second replacement one didn't take -- MRSA infections. I died: not enough to be buried, but enough to cause a bit of alarm in the ICU. [PS - yes there is an eternity and God, but I can't really describe how I came back knowing that, just trust me on this.]

Up to that point, I'd just figured I'd live to a ripe old age and pretty much be 'just a little bit out of shape but good as ever'.

Well, I didn't start a heroic diet and exercise program, but I rode a cheap beater bike about a 1/2 hour in the morning and a half hour after work -- say four or five miles twice a day. Also, walked the dogs every couple of days for a good hour. And I began to watch what I ate -- more than just observing large quantities on the fork going into my mouth. Did I fail? Yup -- several times, and no guarantee of success, ever.

There's been ups and downs, but no real heroics and monkish-starvation self denial. Just slow and gradual change in metabolism and condition. A change, I will add, that must be maintained, 'cause a quick five-ten pound gain can be about a week or two away, without attention to the daily routine. Self-maintenance?

Anyway, what I want to convey is that the process of keeping disease and doctors away is not some heroic assault upon the Adipose Mountains. The little book I posted is not for everyone, not is the exercise I chose possible or appropriate in all places and climes. However, there are parallels that one can seek and implement and tailor to your own life. The thing to keep in mind is: "It's possible for ME!"

All of you here are, by nature, self-motivating people. With appropriate tools and knowledge, maybe someday you will say to y'r wife, "Hey Mart', don't buy me anymore pant sizes over a 36." Now, I scale from 178 to 182, depending on...me. It's not impossible: there is knowledge and a path to achieve and keep the goal. The means and science get better every couple of years, but I REALLY wish there a damn pill I could take to do the same thing: ;~`) But, did I mention -- creative exercise is great for your mental and spiritual outlook as well, so I guess I won't give it up just yet, even if there were there a 'prescription'. Call it self-meditation, if you will.

All Best and 'Appy Noo Year.

Thanks everyone!

by ScottL, Saturday, December 31, 2011, 05:17 (4660 days ago) @ ScottL

And I will take Byron's advice to heart. I have already been thinking about it but I need to write things down, make a plan.

Thank God for how times change............

by Byron, Saturday, December 31, 2011, 20:09 (4659 days ago) @ ScottL

Times past Scooter had real issues with my "advice"......

I am proud of what you have done with your life, Scott. You have surpassed my expectations....that is a really really truly really good thing.

Hats off and good on you!!!


PS: Still, just think about what I told you about getting into business back when Ford would lease a fleet of trucks to anyone wanting to work and with a half ass business plan....you'd be farting in silk now!!!

Hope you have a great new year.

Thank God for how times change............

by ScottL, Saturday, December 31, 2011, 21:25 (4659 days ago) @ Byron

Thanks Byron I appreciate the kind words.

As to the fleet of trucks? I'd have lost my ass on that one. Wrong timing. The field out here tanked shortly after the last time I tried to get my own truck. I'm watching my third group of lease trucks fail right now. If I'd have gotten that truck I would have achieved NONE of the things I did this year. Sorry to kill that dream, but it's long gone.

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