What a year....

by ScottL, Thursday, December 29, 2011, 22:37 (4661 days ago)

I don't swing in here much anymore but I thought I'd swing in tonight. I figure since I used to whine to you guys so much I'd come share some good stuff with you. It's been a good year for me. I changed employers but still do the same job. The kids have grown like weeds and are WAY smarter than their dad. My bride is still breathtakingly beautiful and tolerates my presence in her home. So I seem to be winning. To top it all off I made three of my dreams come true this year.

1. I finally bought my Harley. I named her Serenity. This fulfilled one childhood dream.

2. I joined the Iron Order Motorcycle Club. I've wanted to be in an MC since the first time I saw a center patch on a cut. I was 5 or 6. My neighbors friend rode a Harley, was a hulk of a man and he had huge patches on his vest. One day I was walking around his bike being real careful not to touch it. He scooped me up and set me on the seat and I was hooked. He fired it up and I was addicted. Since then I have wanted to be in an MC. Now we are not the Hells Angels, Outlaws or Bandito's. We are a law abiding club who does not associate with criminals. If you want to know more about them you can look them up at IronOrderMC.com. I am proud to be a part of this club.

3. This one is on topic for the forum even! Monday I put an Armalite AR-50 on lay away. So I should have my 50BMG in my sweaty little hands by the middle of March. Somewhere in there I'm gonna have to raid the couch cushions for enough change to buy a little ammo. I found this one at my local procurer of all things powder burning and cool. It's used with a scope already mounted for $2250. They wanted $2500 but they let me talk them down a little.

I almost hate for 2011 to end. It's been a good year. I hope everything is going as well for all of you.


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