Only a few...

by FOG, Friday, March 01, 2013, 11:41 (4231 days ago) @ Glen

I took the dot-sighted 617 ground squirrel hunting, but only once, and as I recall, that was mainly another Mountain Gun Day. I was using CCI 'Stingers' (in the 617, not the 629 - LOL), and I was kind of underwhelmed at the results.

A few years ago, I revisited the .22 rimfire in a 'rifle' (16-inch barrel), and the outcome wasn't much better. Sometimes it worked, and sometimes it didn't.

By 'work', I mean dead right now: No wigglin', no nuthin'.

When it comes to varmints, I figure that's the least (most?) I can do for 'em. :-D


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