Things are a little bit crazy now, but sometimes.....

by Harry O-1, Friday, March 01, 2013, 11:19 (4231 days ago)

you just have to go with the flow.

Luckily, I stocked up with everything I need over the last year or so. I have been so disgusted at seeing what was going on at gunshows (and pawnshops and gunshops) since Sandy Hook, I have decided to skip gunshows for the next 6 months or so. However, I am buying more guns now than I ever have.

A couple of months ago (right after Sandy Hook), a guy at work asked me if I wanted to buy his CZ-75 Compact in 9mm. The price he was asking was reasonable and I no longer have any hi-cap, wunder-9's, so I bought it. Turns out it is a surprisingly accurate gun for a hi-cap, wunder-9, better than some higher priced ones I have owned in the past. I am not sorry I bought it. He wanted to use the money towards an AR-15.

Just this week, another guy at work asked me if I wanted to buy his Ruger GP-100 4" in stainless. The price he was asking was reasonable, so I bought it. He wants to buy a hi-cap, wunder-9. No, I didn't sell him the CZ-75.

I have also had 4 people approach me asking if I would load 9mm's or .223's for them. I have said no, but I would loan them a box (free of charge) until they could get on a waiting list at one of the gunshops in town and get some of their own. So far, no one has taken me up on that.

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