Sah! I am humbled by y'r generosity and honor...

by John Meeker, Monday, February 25, 2013, 06:21 (4235 days ago) @ Otony

in this matter. Such Unobtainum items are to be treasured, both in the fact and in giving thereof. I humbly accept your gift, and in appreciation for it, offer a bit of 'finish' for a wooden object, preferably smaller than a house.

The Smithly "K" frame item will do nicely, putting both round and square grips, into my grippy comfort zone.

You have provided a fine reminder of the phrase, "keeping one's word". My homey-addy is marshgrrl aht geemail daht kom. also a facebook is out there for the John Meeker who lives in Maumee, OH. Same fella, me.

May a pallet of ammo at pre-panic prices, be bestowed upon you by an obscure maiden Great-Aunt.

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