John Meeker, front and center!

by Otony, Sunday, February 24, 2013, 21:25 (4235 days ago)

Sir, many, many months ago, likely longer then that, perhaps a year or more, maybe in the early dawn of this board, I promised you a Tyler T-Grip. In fact, I promised you a BRONZE T-Grip, not a gold anodized T-Grip, but real Bronze T-Grip. I made mention of the fact that it was hidden in the house, whereabouts unknown (but not in or on a cloud).

Sir, I have looked for said T-Grip for lo, these many months and years since without success or profit. I had resolved myself to failure in this endeavor, having torn up my damnable garage and storage shed too many times, only to find little more than dust bunnies. I have hung my head in shame, ridiculed by my peers for my inability in presenting this treasured bauble to you in short order.

Sir, I beg to report that in moving from one house to the other, my wife, whose other charms and attributes are innumerable, was so good as to find my missing Big Box O' Grips N' Shite in my daughter's bedroom closet, placed there no doubt by nefarious members of the democratic party (you will notice I neglect to capitalize the bastiges, they do not deserve that honor), wherein said Bronze Tyler T-Grip had been resting and ready, waiting upon your pleasure.

Sir, my mind is not what it once was, if indeed it ever was, so I am unable to recall on which resolver you intended to install this buttery smooth, well made, Bronze Tyler T-Grip. Normally this would not pose much of a dilemma, how ever! The aforementioned Big Box contained not one, but two T-Grips, one meant for a K-frame Smiff & Western, t'other intended for a Colt's Dick Special.

Sir, if you would be so kind as to bring me into enlightenment regarding which of these buttery smooth, well made, hunks of burning, burning bronze is yours, along with a destination address I will endeavor to have it delivered to you forthwith, post haste, and with all due speed.

Sir, I remain your humble, if sadly verbose in a written sense, servant,


Otony, I can't remember the last time I read...

by Boge Quinn, Sunday, February 24, 2013, 21:31 (4235 days ago) @ Otony

...such an entertaining post! Well-done, sir.

Otony, I can't remember the last time I read...

by Otony, Sunday, February 24, 2013, 22:51 (4235 days ago) @ Boge Quinn

Thankee kind sir,

I am nothing if not long-winded.

Or did I simply break wind?

In any event, my flatulence is formidable, whether from my mouth, my pen, or my nether regions.


Sah! I am humbled by y'r generosity and honor...

by John Meeker, Monday, February 25, 2013, 06:21 (4235 days ago) @ Otony

in this matter. Such Unobtainum items are to be treasured, both in the fact and in giving thereof. I humbly accept your gift, and in appreciation for it, offer a bit of 'finish' for a wooden object, preferably smaller than a house.

The Smithly "K" frame item will do nicely, putting both round and square grips, into my grippy comfort zone.

You have provided a fine reminder of the phrase, "keeping one's word". My homey-addy is marshgrrl aht geemail daht kom. also a facebook is out there for the John Meeker who lives in Maumee, OH. Same fella, me.

May a pallet of ammo at pre-panic prices, be bestowed upon you by an obscure maiden Great-Aunt.

John Meeker, front and center!

by stonecoldrc, Monday, February 25, 2013, 13:08 (4234 days ago) @ Otony

Otony, I have a nice old Colt Cobra that I need a Tyler T grip adapter for. If you want to part with the one for the Colt Dectective Special mentioned in your note, I would like to buy it. I really enjoyed your note. Thanks

John Meeker, front and center!

by Otony, Monday, February 25, 2013, 20:22 (4234 days ago) @ stonecoldrc

It is brand new, never mounted. It is pretty nicely made, but the bottom edge and interior need to be slicked up a bit. Nothing a bit of emery cloth wouldn't handle, but I need to point that out. These are nice, but not as nice as the ones Melvin used to churn out.

The exterior is excellent, and it is highly polished manganese bronze, so quite a bit heavier than the aluminum versions. The current price on these is $39.75 shipped, btw!

How does 30 bucks sound? If that is ok with you, emule me...... aveni1955 at g mail dot com


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