Our Nation's treatment of our vets

by D. Wheeler, Central Texas, Sunday, February 24, 2013, 13:19 (4235 days ago) @ Dave B

This is so much BS. If the New York Gov (Cuomo) or his Attorney General had any cahones which they don't, this would be stopped immediately. Something similar happened to a person in New Jersey last year when Gov. Christie intervened and stopped it. Sadly, there are to many politicians who think Ovomit is on the right track. Quiet a few States are trying to follow the lead of Cuomo and Kalif. The arresting officer(s) should have handled the situtaton far more differently, knowing what the outcome for the former soldier would be. It is heartening to see a defense fund has been established and growing. There is no way in hell I would go on vacation to a state to visit relatives or pass thru it if they voted for Ovomit/Befuddeled (Biden).
Recently, I saw an article in another gun site but it was gone when I went back to view it again. A Dem,legislator (Sternberg) in Kalif has introduced a very bad bill. The site I finlly tracked down was "Off Grid Survival. com" Once the site comes up, go to Archives, then to Feb 2013. On the second page you can view it. :-(

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