"Precious Memories" I spoke w/my son yesterday. He was ask

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Sunday, February 17, 2013, 23:47 (4242 days ago)
edited by Rob Leahy, Sunday, February 17, 2013, 23:51

-ing Me some questions about a .44 mag I had given him.
It's a S&W 4" 629. It was mine, briefly, then my dad bought it and carried it for years on hunts, and his trip of a life time, up to Alaska. My dad recently traded it back for some guns better I had as those are better suited to home defense for him.
I have really taken JT's "A pair and a spare" rule of 3 a bit further when it come to 4" N frames... MY son, still living in Alaska, wanted a good .44 mag. When he was recently down for a visit, he mentioned it again. Then, he really worked on me, he mentioned that he was considering buying a Taurus .44 mag!(Taurus is OK, but not a S&W!)... I had loaned him one of my .44 mag Mountain Guns when we lived in AK together. He liked packin it, but not shooting, the lighter weight gun. I had the answer and he received a standard weight 4" 629. We went out back, he shot it with some Skeeter loads I had in my desk drawer. He rang the 20 yard 3" steel gong 11 times with 12 shots shooting through the dust inside my 55 gallon drum suppressor. He was hooked. I am happy. When I was talking with Jake, I mention ed that my favorite resources was JT's Taffin tests...

I just re read this


while listening to this...


and yes, it brings back some precious memories...

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