As mentioned above...

by Paul ⌂, Sunday, February 17, 2013, 13:20 (4243 days ago) @ FOG

the issue (as we understand it) is punishing the possession of in inanimate object with no intent to cause harm to another to a greater degree than actions committed by an individual that result in harm to another. Hoplophobia (fear of instruments/weapons) is what drives such laws. Instruments/weapons are inanimate, they can only cause harm when they are wielded by a person. Causing harm to another is something that merits strict punishment, assigning greater punishment for merely possessing an inanimate object than for causing harm to another person is asinine at best. There IS a link to "gun control" in that those who are supporting this law are showing irrationality and this MUST be brought out. Is that not the core of our rejection of so called "gun control", the very irrationality of attempting to end certain actions by controlling accessibility to inanimate objects?

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