So if you had cancer you'd want everybody else to get it?

by woody, Friday, February 15, 2013, 07:22 (4245 days ago) @ stonewalrus
edited by woody, Friday, February 15, 2013, 07:32

Man you guys are great around!!! Just giving you a heads up that it can happen everywhere. Did i ever think this would happen here. No!!!! Stonewalrous what do you even know about NY? If you told me you lived here then I would respect your opinion. Ever been here? Like most you will probably say been to NYC. Ive been all over the country and I still like my state. It has everything I want. Hunting and fishing and for all around sportsman it's great. I like when everyone say just move. Why should I have to move from my home. This is my home. But to quote you we have cancer here it is NYC!!! And everyone wants to associate us with the city. I've been everywhere in my state except NYC. Never been there now will I. What state do you live in?

What I'm sick of is everyone bashing NY for all the ills of the world. Blaming everything on us. If you did know everything about NY you would know all the sheriffs,county boards,SCOPE etc are fighting it and refusing to comply. I have yet to meet anyone that is going to comply or a law enforcement officer that will enforce it. Including the state police . I love armchair quarterbacks. Easy to say when you don't live here and have all the answers.

What's going to happen when they pass the next set of laws that have nothing to do with firearms and everyone says I'm not obey that either. I think the government got themselves into a big mess and now are saying what do we do now? Everyone including non avid gun owners had enough!!!

If you can't tell this does piss me off and when in my post above did I wish it on you? Just giving the heads up. Every state can pass all the laws they want saying we will not comply to federal laws etc. but when it comes down to it the Feds will have the last say unfortunately. Especially in most the states mentioned that are small and not very populated. The Feds have endless resources.

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