Got a prayer request for you gentlemen.

by Wildcat, Flint Hills of Kansas, Wednesday, February 13, 2013, 18:11 (4246 days ago)

I've lost three good friends since Monday. First a friend and outstanding fellow attorney I worked quite a few cases with over the years. Steve Doering was also an active cowboy action shooter, hunter, gun collector and one of the best wingshots I've ever seen. We shot on a team every year at Bar Association meetings and he almost always cleaned up. He passed away Monday, leaving his wife and 2 adult children at age 62.

Second, a close friend that was top of my class in law school. Mark Biberstein died this morning of a heart attack at 46 years. Mark shot on the same sporting clays team as Steve and I every year. He was a great guy and certainly one of the best and brightest Kansas attorneys. He left his wife and several young children.

Third, Lloyd Stone. Lloyd lived across the street from me growing up. He had boys the same age range as me and we were all fast friends. He taught me to golf, play football etc. He served as Chairman of the board of our local hospital which I represent, and was also one of the sane members of the Kansas House for a number of years. A real great guy. Lloyd died from cancer this morning, leaving his wife and three boys and a number of grandchildren.

These were all wonderful guys and the world will be diminished by their passing, though heaven will certainly be enhanced.

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