For you GEETAR pickers...

by Boge Quinn, Tuesday, February 12, 2013, 16:03 (4248 days ago)

...I had a great day yesterday! Been waiting over three years for this pair of custom Chris Bozung guitars (

It all started when I bought these two sets of Sapele back/sides wood from a guy on a guitarists' listserv to which I subscribe - Sapele is an African mahogany species known for its striking figure. Anyway, the other guy had bought them intending to have two full-sized Dreadnought guitars made, but his luthier told him that the sets weren't big enough for anything but parlor guitars, so he sold the wood sets to me cheap. I thought I wouldn't mind having some parlor guitars made out of such gorgeous wood, but when I brought them to Chris, he told me the guy's luthier had his head up his nether regions, and that they would work just fine for any sized guitar from Dreadnought on down! So I ordered a matched pair, a Dreadnought and a 000, and waited. And waited. And waited some more...

...and boy, was it worth the wait! These guitars are AWESOME, and they sound as great as they look! Here are some "raw" pics I took yesterday, I'll be adding them to Chris' web site ASAP:

Dreadnought on the left, 000 on the right.

Look closely at this pic - I can see a little Jesus face at the top of the bodies! The Schoolmarm saw faces, but they didn't look like Jesus to her - I see it as a blessing on my geetars. Anyway, the faces didn't appear until the finish was applied.


Here are the full specs:

Sorry to go on so, but MAN am I ever blessed! This makes EIGHT CB guitars in my stable - guess I am to Chris Bozung as Fermin is to Alan Harton!

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