What was the last year CSA was held in Athens, Texas?
CSA historian needed.
by Cannon , Monday, February 11, 2013, 22:05 (4305 days ago) @ Murphy
Sept. 24-25, 2004
How time flies...
by rob , Monday, February 11, 2013, 22:12 (4305 days ago) @ Cannon
We have lost some great men since then. We had just lost Joe Mattingly and we've since said goodby to Jack Mattingly, Wilson Dew and Shawn Purkey (Shawn45). All great men I counted personal friends.
CSA historian needed.
by rob , Monday, February 11, 2013, 22:06 (4305 days ago) @ Murphy
I don't remember but I believe it was there the first two or three times (thinking two) and I met you at the second one IIRC:) I haven't been to another since they moved it to Arkansas and I really need to remedy that situation!
As Cannon mentioned
by Paul , Tuesday, February 12, 2013, 07:14 (4305 days ago) @ Murphy
it was in 2004, the only time I've been able to make it to CSA. It was a great time with some great folk, some of whom have crossed over Jordan.