Letter from my Congressman

by Wildcat, Flint Hills of Kansas, Thursday, January 24, 2013, 16:04 (4267 days ago)

January 23, 2013

Dear Mr. ,

Thank you for taking the time to contact me to express your support for preserving and protecting the Second Amendment of the Constitution. I appreciate hearing your concerns.

As a father, I cannot begin to imagine the grief and pain of losing a loved one in such a senseless act. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and families affected by the Newtown, Connecticut murders. Mass acts of violence like what occurred in Newtown demonstrate a coarsening of society that has come to devalue life at all stages. Fundamentally, however, the problem is not guns, it is people. Adam Lanza is the one who illegally stole guns from his mother and murdered 26 children and adults.

I agree that Washington and all of America must have a serious debate and honest discussion about what fuels a very small segment of the population to inflict harm and instill fear. This means holding Hollywood accountable for its culture of violence and death. We should talk openly about mental health issues. And also be honest about the responsibilities of families and communities. Furthermore, Americans must demand the Obama Administration enforce current laws. New laws will not prevent criminals from engaging in illegal activity — but tougher enforcement and prosecution can make a difference.

In light of this tragedy, many have renewed their attacks on the Second Amendment rights of Americans like yourself. The Second Amendment, however, is non-negotiable. Congress must stand for the entirety of the Constitution. I am deeply concerned by President Obama’s willingness to abandon his sworn obligation to ‘preserve, protect, and defend’ the Constitution. Our Founding Fathers clearly outlined in the Constitution a desire for three branches of government--the executive, legislative, and judicial. Now the President seems to believe he fills not only the role of the executive branch, but also the legislative. I would remind President Obama that it is the exclusive right of Congress to write and pass laws.

As a responsible and law-abiding gun owner, I am committed to standing behind the principles set forth by the Founding Fathers guaranteeing the right to bear arms in the Second Amendment. I oppose efforts by the Obama Administration to prescribe unnecessary, unproven, and unconstitutional gun control mandates on upstanding, law-abiding citizens. Please know that this issue remains a concern for me and I am committed to being engaged and vocal in protecting your Second Amendment rights in Washington.

Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. If you have not already, I encourage you to take a moment to find me on Facebook (facebook.com/congressmanhuelskamp), follow my personal updates on Twitter (twitter.com/CongHuelskamp) and check out my latest speeches and media appearances on YouTube (youtube.com/CongressmanHuelskamp).


Tim Huelskamp

Member of Congress

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