Forum and Site Hosting Funding Drive

by webservant @, Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 16:35 (4269 days ago)

Hey guys, it's that time of year again. If you enjoy being a part of this community and you'd like to help fund the continuation of this forum and the related websites:

The sites linked above are part of our community history and heritage and they are held in trust for the denizens of this forum.

This year we're moving forward, switching over to a more user friendly Content Management System that will allow folks who want to publish on the site easier access. If you'd like to publish your shooting related material on the site, drop me a note and I'll get your account set up to do so.

Anyway, the hosting for this year for the above listed sites is: $287.40 . As always, funds over those needed for hosting will be applied to extend the domain names. Most of them currently have several years but there's a few that come due for renewal in 2014.

For info on how to donate, click here to see the page:

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