Looking for something really 'basic'...

by FOG, Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 10:26 (4269 days ago) @ FOG

But still informative and all-around.

For example, I recall how astounded I was when I first learned that a semi-automatic pistol actually fed cartidges from a box magazine contained in the grip (!) - I thought that was fantastic!

I recently witnessed a 'noob' have a similar experience when I was explaining the operation of and old-style SA revolver: He was pretty surprised there was 'something' left in the chamber after firing a cartridge in it.

Now, that might sound 'stupid' to some people, but I'd say we all have to start somewhere, and that place is usually the beginning.

In that nearly prehistoric and decidedly dim light, Cooper On Handguns was probably the best book of its type I ever read.

The problem is, I don't know of anything that can take its place for today's 'new' shooter.


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