To Mark Obama's 2nd. Inagural

by Charles, Monday, January 21, 2013, 14:56 (4270 days ago)

I purchased this little jewel today. I had an appointment with my Dermatologist this morning and he is a serious Uzi fan with a number of Class III weapons. He was thining the hurd and sold me this semi-auto carbine version for $700.00. It is a Norinco, but has all all the internal and external upgrades. It runs smooth as silk and I can keep a one gallon milk jug jumping at 100 meters with no problem. It feeds Winchester Ranger FMJ, Cor-Bon DPX, Remington Golden Saber and even my own cast bullet handloads with zero problems. I need to pick up a couple of more mags pretty soon. It came with 2 mags


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