C&R only applies to those so licensed

by brionic @, Saturday, January 19, 2013, 10:44 (4272 days ago) @ Mark
edited by brionic, Saturday, January 19, 2013, 11:09

Even then, local laws may preclude 'standard' C&R purchases.

For example handgun purchases within certain restrictive states and districts are regulated more closely by locals than by BATFE.

A large number of dealers are unfamiliar with C&R regulations. Even then, establishing age of certain firearms can be complex, so that 'old gun' may not be transferrable under C&R unless seller is willing.

Circumvention is frowned upon. Bottom line is that the burden of proof is with you, individually, to follow the regs to the letter of the law.

Any questions about specifics are best referred directly to ATFE or a local attorney.

That said, the collector's license affords many benefits that far outweigh its cost and the work involved in ob/main-taining it.

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