.357 OMBH was my therapy gun

by Scribe, Wednesday, January 16, 2013, 14:34 (4275 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

When I was recovering from cancer treatments last summer, I used a recently purchased .357 Ruger OMBH, 6 1/2 in. barrel as my "therapy gun."

To help overcome the shaking in my hands, I would laod it with Zoom Caps - hammer back two clicks, load one, skip one, laod four, hammer back and then slowly let the hammer forward. Then I would raise it to eye level, two-handed, and dry fire five rounds, using the door knob on the bathroom door opposite my bedroom as my aiming point. Awfully wobbly in the beginning and I could only get off 5 founds before my arms gave out. Then I would unload and load the gun again.

By the end of the summer, I got all the way up to 30 rounds before tiring.

Just shot it with real ammo a couple of weeks ago. Nice tight groups at 10 yards, cowboy action shooting distance. No shakes, no wobbles.

I also have returned to the dojo and hope to regain some agility and strength from my sword exercises there. Much tougher than shooting.


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