Too much here for me...

by woody, Tuesday, January 15, 2013, 20:15 (4276 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

All my family is here and I love where I live. Can't ask for better fishing with Lake Ontario and the finger lakes in my area. The hunting is awesome. We have tons of deer,turkeys,waterfowl etc. everything I like to hunt. We have the adirondacks,Catskills,and the Finger Lakes. Can't ask for anything more. So I won't be going anywhere. I'm not letting anything run me out. Plus this is my home. But what does suck is we have NYC. I wish it and Long Island could be seperated from the rest of the state. Long Island is just as bad as the city. Basically a spill over from the city. Sad because it is also really beautiful and a neat area.

My only hope is the same thing happens nationally so it might get fought better. We have SCOPE trying to do there best but I'm not sure how much the NRA has ever done in our state in recent years. I think we were written off years ago.

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