To further abuse a word once uttered by an infamous felon...

by FOG, Monday, January 14, 2013, 15:56 (4277 days ago) @ brionic
edited by FOG, Monday, January 14, 2013, 16:02

(Edited for spelling.)

The law is "effectuated" by nameless, faceless bureaucrats. In the case of Federal firearms law, that is none other than ATF.

Since President Obama now sits pretty much beyond the reach of the electorate, I would be surprised if he didn't take at least some of the heat off his friends in Congress by invoking Executive privelege on this one. For example, he could have ATF declare a GLOCK equipped with a fill-in-the-blank-capacity magazine to be a "Destructive Device."

Or at least he could try to; there would no doubt be lawsuits seeking injunctions to stop him.

However, such a scheme does make sense. If your ultimate goal is confiscation (with or without compensation to the owner), then registration is the logical place to start. Surely, 'they' have thought of this, so I would expect some form of registration to be at least proposed for various things on their 'list.'

They have the means already in place in GCA '68; all they need is the 'political will' to abuse it.


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