Whitco is correct

by Norm, Wednesday, January 09, 2013, 16:11 (4282 days ago) @ Charles

and many memories just came to mind. I ordered one of those for my dad, who carried a flat latch Chiefs Special every day at his restaurant. Saw it in a Guns Magazine in the early 60's and thought he would like it better than his pants pocket. He asked how he should wear is so I showed him a picture of the add, iwb appendix, a couple of inches to the right of his belt buckle. His old friend Charley Pickney was a constable who also owned a Texaco Station (16 cents a gallon, and I could sign the ticket) and always carried a 4" M&P in T3P under his jacket when in deputy mode, and mexican style cross draw under his green Texaco jacket at the gas station. He had me order one for him when he saw Dad's and carried it appendix, across his belly.

BTW they both loaded their revolvers with Remington 200 gr lead RN bullets.

Then there was time when another deputy came in, off duty and havingh ad a few drinks earlier, "insisting" that I trade him my then new 44 Ruger Deerstalker for his "magnum" which he "never used anymore". He'd brought a 3 1/2" 5 screw M27 in a cigar box to the restaurant late one night when we made the trade. Should seen the look on my Dad's face!

A bunch of Okla City police, Deputies, Highway Patrolmen (anybody recognize or remmber the name Dan Combs?)hung out at Dad's place late at night.

Thanks for the memories, guys!

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