all volunteer military raises fears that a us warrior class

by Charles, Monday, January 07, 2013, 18:03 (4284 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I read that, but didn't get the idea that "fear" meant they were afraid of anything. I saw that as a concern. This nation was founded with the notion of the citizen soldier, the Minuteman if you will. The early founders didn't want a professional standing army, but the War of 1812 changed their mind about that and they decided they needed a small core of professional soldiers with the bulk of the load to be carried by volunteers during times of need. The various National Guards and Reserves carry on the tradition of the citizen soldier.

With the end of the draft, it now looks like we have families whose business for several generations is career military service. Many countries have had this for a very long time, but it is a little at odds with the way we have seen such things as Americans.

I don't think this trend is anything anybody is afraid of. It is just a change in society that needs to be noted. "Times they are a changing".

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